Beyond the 4Cs

Beyond The 4 C's

Traditional diamond grading, known to most as the 4C’s, is familiar to all. Most consumers searching for diamond pricing have viewed a diamond chart depicting the characteristics associated with a diamond’s quality. Diamond clarity , diamond color , and diamond cut are known to most. What many consumers don’t realize when selecting a diamond is how many variables lie beyond the 4 Cs.

Diamond Fluorescence and Enhanced Diamonds

Diamond Fluorescence

One of the phenomena a diamond can exhibit is fluorescence. Fluorescence in a diamond can be detected by using a black light. When viewed under a black light, fluorescence in diamonds will glow with varying intensities and colors. Although diamond fluorescence does not impact the 4C’s of diamond grading, it can affect the value and appearance of your diamond. Diamonds with higher grades of D through H can be significantly lower in value if they exhibit strong fluorescence since this will detract from the appearance of the stone. Diamonds with lower grades, J and below, are often more attractive if they have a strong blue fluorescence.

Enhanced Diamonds

Diamonds are subject to many different types of treatment that affect their color and clarity. The accepted standard is that any process altering the loose diamonds natural characteristics should be disclosed to the consumer. It is virtually impossible for traditional diamond grading standards to be applied to stones with altered clarity.

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Diamond Laser Treatments

A common enhancement treatment is laser drilling. This process involves lasers boring small tunnels into a diamond to burn dark, undesirable, inclusions from the stone. Then the vented areas are treated with acid to whiten these dark spots formerly occupied by carbon. This process should be disclosed to the consumer. However, we have found that many people with drilled diamonds were unaware that this modification was made. This process usually does not compromise the durability of the stone or change the appearance of the stone over time. Laser drilling is detectable under magnification. This process should not be confused with laser inscribing a stone’s girdle with a serial number or message, which is considered acceptable practice.

Diamond Fracture Filling

Today’s most common clarity enhancement is diamond fracture filling- these diamonds should be carefully cared for. In this process, vented inclusions and fractures are filled with a foreign material that is cured or hardened in the stone. Once the fractures are filled, the diamond appears to have fewer or less noticeable flaws. This process should be disclosed to the consumer as long-term maintenance risks are involved. It is essential to realize that any intense heat from professional jewelry cleaning or repair can compromise the filling and return the stone to its original state. While Jewelry Designs does not sell or recommend such risky enhancements, it is essential to notify any jewelry before working with such delicate materials, as there is no guarantee the laser filling will remain while undergoing high-temperature repairs or cleaning.

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Diamond Laser Treatments and Fracture Filling
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