Classic beauty combined with the mystery of the contents within make Lockets one of life’s most treasured possessions. Some will contain a precious lock of hair from a loved one, others a photo from a grand wedding day. Each locket will hold personal secrets and memories that will only be shared with those whom you are close. As if created as miniature jeweled time capsules, most lockets will be passed on for generations to come.
Along with the secrets inside, the hinged functionality of a locket necklace adds an element of novelty. From the classic heart lockets worn by so many, to vintage style engraved lockets with multiple compartments, there seems to be no end to the possibilities in shape and design. Gold lockets are a timeless gift presented to babies upon birth, young girls entering womanhood, brides on a wedding day, and mothers to behold a picture of child.

Whatever your mystery contents, Jewelry Designs would like to help you discover the precious vessel in which to hold them. Our consultants will show you oval lockets, round lockets, and heart shape lockets in a variety of sizes, with silk lined compartments to secure your memories. Our artisans specialize in designing custom lockets with personal detail to secure anything from photos, or even the ashes of a loved one.
Contact our jewelry consultants below, or visit our unique jewelry store in Danbury, Connecticut, just 1 mile from the New York line.